
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Well there should be one since the basic make avi is based off of Lenny Kravitz, but of course they made the Avi white.
  2. We can't even play like we want to play anymore.
  3. :lol: people always crying about something

  4. Autumn elegance 
  5. I'm ready to do I'll try to cum in top 100
  6. I love the setup to hate we didnt have a real break
  7. those avis are sooooo bad ata stop forcing hunts an work on better avis
  8. Good luck Jerk 
  9. Another 1 key per day only hunt? Why :mad:
  10. ?? to be fair, I really enjoy this new hunt technique ? I don't like the pot luck side of hunts 
  11. ?? to be fair, I really enjoy this new hunt technique ? I don't like the pot luck side of hunts 
  12. Not this again ?
  13. I like this format! It's reasonable to all kinds of players.
    I laugh at the lifers who will (eventually) spend a lot to have the prestige of being a "top" hunter
  14. im sure we all laugh even the apes
  16. Someone's always gotta whine about something. If you don't like it don't do it. Simple as that. At least we don't have to use keys to open a box and hope we get an avatar we wanted after hundreds of keys used.
  17. I see no difference with the non VIP and VIP avis except the stats which btw, is nearly same... x.x
  18. pimd_c is mia
  19. ?? to be fair, I really enjoy this new hunt technique ? I don't like the pot luck side of hunts 