Freedom Fest!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Listen I'd rather live in the U.S. than in the Middle East somewhere underground fearing that a bomb gone drop on the top of my head :roll:
  2. Middle East is obviously way below and unrelated to that.
  3. Since y'all complaining about hunts give me your drops. Problem solved ?
  5. Wtf, why are the gifts both 0 stats?
  6. Omar girl who you calling a he?  and yeah guess so innocent little me expected more 
  7. And you don't think that can happen here :roll:
    Or have you forgot that there are ISIS members and followers in your own back yard :roll: how naive can you be
  8. Another hunt designed for b2b cat cafes?
    well done greedy ata
  9. The thong gifts are really suitable for 13 year olds -_- #pervs
  10. Really? Be realistic for once. As soon as the bomb reaches U.S. airspace it'll be targeted and taken out in mid air. It wont even get a chance to drop. :roll: ISIS is another topic for another day.
  11. All I gotta say is we often forget to look in the mirror when it comes to terrorism. Not pointing fingers, but what about Hiroshima, building 7? #nuffsaid
  12. I never said the U.S. wasnt trigger happy when it comes to bomb dropping :lol:
  13. Stop watching SyFy movies :roll:
  14. SyFy put me to sleep :roll: Next...
  15. Looks fun will bentyere
  16. Dead?
  17. I  this hunt , want the all the gurls Ava please ... & also some thongs ?
  18. How bout non ec gifts? Kthxbai :roll: