Free Gifting!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -DeadlySpankingAngel-, May 14, 2015.

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  1. Any of them 
  2. Would love some gifts
  3. Above sent
  4. Ummm, me? Thank you 
  5. Im afraid i too most go for an hour or so, but angel and i will pick it back up soon i promise
  6. please and thank you 
  7. My noob stats win on this one!

    ? gifts please?
  8. I know I'm not a gifted but I helped with the one above
  9. Me pleaseeeeee! 
  10. Oh gift? Plz gift plz. HOW YOU GET EC TO GIFT?! GRRRRRR!!!
  11. Thank you very very much.
  12. Gifts plsss thank you!
  13. I would like some gifts?
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