Free Gift Game

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Hurricaine, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. πŸ˜„I actually didnt hold for one day long so stop the lies u didnt gift right away not my fault tht girl exposed u shes prolly doing it to others aswell smh not needed but either is lying about gifitng then after getting exposed then u gift
  2. Lol check gifts before u come to comment next time. Thats not her fault she exposed me or whatever. Say u didn't accepted for long time and thas not my fault too.
  3. No need to keep commenting in this thread play the game or get off
    Yea like I said u did send me gifts AFTER getting exposed so stop ruining this game for everyone and drop it αŠπŸ’€
  4. Sent🌸
  5. Gift sent 🀎
  6. SENTπŸŽ‰β€
  7. Sent 😊
  8. Sent 🌸
    Brenley5 likes this.
  9. Sent❀️
    Luminaris likes this.
  10. Sent πŸ˜‹
  11. Sent 🧑
  12. sented
  13. Better u keep clam down and stop spamming. Dont overreact . I know u r smart no need to announce,πŸ˜‚
  14. πŸ˜‚ U r saying u exposed me lol did i scammed or did anything eles lol. I don't need to play this shitt game . If anybody here need free donation wall me.
    Fat heads everywhere.
  15. Gift
    Gift sent.
  16. Gift to you πŸ’›

    why ppl freakin? It’s not that hard πŸ˜‚ be kind and receive kindness 🀷
    FieryTigress likes this.
  17. gifted you ❀️😊
  18. Gifted
  19. Sent