Free Cat Friday

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R3n, Nov 17, 2018.

  1. I should join because I’m saving for my first 1T dorm mate. I’m a good person because I don’t farm people and sometimes when they have cheap low stat gifts I gift them to random people on wc.
  2. I nominate @MrStroud. He is a great leader and an even better friend. He makes everyone feel welcome much like how you are now. I would also like to help organize so I will be adding you. 
  3. Well I want to join and help you organize it because, that is a really awesome thing from you and a lot of people need it :) I just hope you accept me and if I could help you organize it please add me it would be my pleasure to talk to a kind person like you.
  4. I nominate @FlyingHigh because she helps the people who don't know much about how to calculate their stats for max plunder and is an overall a great person
  5. I nominate @vo and @littlelotus
    When I first started, I joined tiny TT which was a subunit of the travelers for smaller players. When they disbanded, they welcomed me to the main club. Even if I was really small our prez, vo. Literally DVPed for free just to give me a head start. Lotus answered all my questions about the game and helped me through upgrading,parties etc. I was just a starter with nothing to offer and yet they were kind enough to help me and make my experience on pimd super enjoyable. These and the rest of the travelers are great people. They're kind and helpful. But vo and lotus were there for me and made time to make sure I was doing alright.
    Vo also maxes gifts for everyone during hunt and frequently drops just because he can. Great prez, great person. Super dedicated and loyal to the club and all it's members. What makes pimd fun is the feeling of community and belonging and these two amazing people and the rest of the travelers never fail to deliver.
  6. I nominate myself cause I'm awesome
  7. I would like to nominate @Clark because he's a good person who always helps me whenever I need to trade or sell stuff (I tend to underprice without knowing so he helps me tbh) and trades to me showcase items I love to collect.
  8. I should win because i'm a weeb and a noob
  9. I would like to see someone win this that did many things that didn’t benefit them or their club/tutors in any way. Someone who dropped many cats/kinis for various clubs/strangers without hitting them once. Someone who helped people post their first threads in forums (edited their coding/helped with ideas). Someone who consistently supported/recognized other contributing members of the forums community selflessly and consistently a majority of their time on the app without alienating new members of the community or excluding them because of their post count.

    Someone who stood up against people being bullied/slandered/having their mental disorders made fun of regardless of what it would do to their own PIMD reputation. Someone who wasn’t that annoying “fake nice” but instead, attentive to what was most necessary most of the time amongst their peers. Someone that didn’t go out of their way sticking their nose where it didn’t belong to hurt another player using information they couldn’t absolutely prove to be true. Someone who donated their club(s) to new players during the higher level invite hunt parties, so that those players could hit parties instead of failing hits. Someone that entered clubs bearing gifts (paid parties) instead of joining a club because they were having a paid party.

    Someone that helped another player that was being farmed by multiple other players simply to even the odds when the reason for the farming was ridiculously petty. Someone that took time out of their busy life to help a complete stranger cope with the things they were dealing with in real life (such as homelessness/loss of close family members/life direction concerns when some of their long time friends on the app had no idea they were even dealing with that) expecting nothing in return at all. Someone that went out of their way to try to help others cope with the loss of one of their friends from this app disregarding differences they may have had with them previously... going as far as to donate to that families gofundme page.

    Someone that has not only run several clubs of their own, but also helped other club presidents become better at running their clubs. Someone that genuinely wants to help a new person smile/laugh everyday, without frequently making jokes at the expense of others. Someone that has not only interacted with thousands of PIMD players, but also gifted thousands of players and helped them to enjoy their game even more... rarely making anyone ever feel like they were too busy for them. Someone that has never taken advantage of another person’s kindness.

    On second thought, I change my mind about the whole winning this free cat friday thing... I’d just like to meet more players like what I have described above in general.
  10. I have kitties I'm dropping also
  11. I would like nomite my club pres @Twilightstarr because she is a really nice person and she has helped me out many times when I needed it:)
  12. I would like to join because I am a respectable person and I have helped out many different people that I came across in this game.
  13. I would like to second this! I recently started playing and my pupil who is equally amazing and Vo and Lotus are truly what have kept me playing. They are amazing.
  14. Have them both add me ️️
  15. Hello  I dont wish to join or to nominate someone but I do wanna thank you so much for doing this! This is incredibly kind of you! Have an amazing day!
  16. Ah no need to thank me! I appreciate it though 
  17. I should join because im a good person who took in my sister who lost her apartment a week before Thanksgiving even though im in a one bed room place and we are crowed in here.
  18. I do my best too help anyone no mater what the prob
  19. I nominate @GTM-Joker
    He is always helping people and new players when they ask yet he never wants anything in return. He also makes everyone smile when they have a bad day, he is just an all around awesome guy.
  20. I'd also like too nomaite myself if that's ok, I understand that it may not be but I always try too help people, especially lower stat players when they have trouble with mcs. I hate when they get scammed because they don't I understand it yet. Though I just had surgery 6 days ago so my meds make me too sleepy too do much lol so I shouldn't even probably try. Welp that's it