I would like to join because I’m always trying to help people and new oncomers out . Help them get started and help them level up their character . And I nominate @shy277 she’s a wonderful person and she is one of the people that I helped out and still helps out .
I'll to nominate myself for no reason if possible ?and what u doing sir is respectable and appreciated
I think I deserve to join this. If im luckily chosen, I'll give my spot to BasteBasteBaste who is always been a good and generous friend to me. He is the only friend I had when I have no one. Also, I won't forget those days, he'll join cc club to have a fund to give me dvp. If im chosen, I'll gladly give my spot to him not because he needs it but because I wanted to return the goodness he has done for me
I would like to join in because this is my first ever being in here for black friday. And im pretty excited to know what it feels like
Im nominating my pup @HibernatingGigi(Or whatever her name is when this is being read. She changes it a little to much tbh) She’s just the loveliest girl i know. Funny as hell and helps me whenever is needed most️ She also is able to bear my drama inna miraculous way 24/7 so yeah... she deserves some stuff too
I wanna join because I have been playing pimd for more than five years and I haven't scammed anybody. But unfortunately, some have already scammed me. Huhu maybe I'm just too trusting. Or maybe a little naive.
I nominate my pup and closest friend @chitsuyo because she has always been there for me when I needed her, both in-game and irl. She's always there to listen to my daily rants when I needed just someone to listen. I would just really like to thank her for being there for me and helping me out. She's been really excited for black friday cc and I was hoping I could just repay her back for everything, even if it's just in-game..
Nominating my tut @Darian71, i haven't known him for too long but he is always directing players my way if they need help or advice. It is very sweet that he cares about others experiences within the game.
I'd like to nominate @justnick because he helped me out when I needed it and is still really nice even though I'm not his tut anymore. He's one of the nicest pups I've had, and I've had some really crappy ones
I nominate @Chibiusa,@Rosie for being a great and reliable friend that I can depend on to talk to about anything. Both of them can handle my rants when I’m dealing with something stupid that I need to get out of my system and gets what I’m going at. And even join them with understanding and not end with one or two worded answers. Even tho I’m inactive these days cause of life I wanna join cause I like to help out others if I can to put out my input and what I know in this game and prices.
I think I should be able to join because I like helping new players. Tho I am not able to help everyone of them because there’s always a lot, I do my best to help them improve. It can be their stats or if they have question, I’ll try my best to answer and give advice(whether it’s a game thing or personal) And also if I have any extra furniture, I give it to those who needs it. So far, I’ve made friends with almost all of those who I helped and touched their heart. And I really like to be in on this because I want to upgrade faster so that I and my friends won’t be bullied again by some really arrogant players here. I just don’t like my friends and clubmates getting into trouble and be bullied.