Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by madhatter512, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. I'm gonna give 10 more min then I'll give it to whoever was closest
  2. nah just keep it and hold a raffle or something
  3. 377 Light blue
  4. Anyone who guessed a color after OP's post on PAGE 1 should automatically be disqualified.
  5. ??I have awarded the cat to the person who was 1 number off the number was 278 and she guessed 277 congratulations to everyone that won something and watch out I may do this again ?? and if you'd like to help me out donate somethings to give away that'd be great 
  6. Yeah this should probably get locked now
  7. how about the bento winner ???‍♂️
  8. That was me!