
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *DerpHerpinson (01), Jun 4, 2011.

  1. Dear me what a commotion
  2. Hey foxy I hope you upgrade anytime this decade
  3. You guys can quit replying. I'm in process if handling him. Let him dig himself deeper if he wants to, but quit replying and risking yourselves.
  4. Wow WTF is wrong wit the ppl on here smh
  5. Neon Just Owned You
  6. Lol stephen Is such a F'n loser tryin to pick on ppl bcuz he is garbage =p
  8. This is total antagonization.
    Delete, DELETE, this thread immediately. This is provoking unecessary drama between the two parties, while getting friends involved.

    PIMD is not mature enough to handle this situation (as seen above) and cannot make proper judgment on this situation. Therefor, they comment with slanderous/profane posts, that were entirely unneeded.
  9. Thank you CJS. Now can any mod delete this
  10. I lol'd hardcore ๎’
  11. At all of this cyber๎’๎’
  12. Yea that was my reaction to his lady answer.

    What makes this funny