Forumer Group Chat?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HotCookie, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. Dude, you were in. Like twice...
  2. The drama was 10/10. Definitely support.
  3. Racist white people and envious people of color who got fired or kicked out his mansion coming together to slander his name... like I stated.
  4. Oh, you're Alicia... I had a feeling that was you. You can't keep border hopping when it comes to emo quitting.
  5. Aren't you a bit slow
  6. Still wounded
    Still got ss
  7. Bruh bruh There was an idea, to bring together a group 0f remarkabel peeps, to see if we could bec0me sumething much more, so wen they neded us, we could fyt batles that they never could... and thus The Aven--- err teh Forum Squad was born brah.
  8. Imagine being a squad on an rp game
  9. Half the people on here don't even know what a toxic gc looks like ?
  11. All hail
  13. It's still showing me as MrWallace lol I'm not even on that account
  14. Login logout shake it all about
  15. That happens sometimes when you are using the same device for both accounts

  16. 10/10 favorite tv show tho tbh