Forgotten Souls

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Satans_Crow, Jan 13, 2019.

  1. Prologue Part 1- The Hangman

    Death. Thanatos. Yama. Mors. Osiris.

    Throughout my existence on the mortal plane, they have given me many names. More recently, I have been referred to as “The Hangman”, a serial killer who convinces his victims to kill themselves with a noose after subjecting them to enormous amounts of torture until until they break from the trauma, choosing to end it all. That simply isn’t true though. My job in this world is to find the evil that exists in human beings and show them the error of their ways. What they do afterwords is their choice and their choice alone.

    Unfortunately, the mortals don’t quite see it that way. They have started created machinery to kill me, but I know all too well how that will end. It will turn on them just as they have turned on each other throughout the history of mankind. Now all they need is a group to put an end to the inevitable suffering they will endure; a group formed by me, made up of souls from the past.
  2. Prologue Part 2- The Hanged Man

    “The Hanged Man”. What a stupid name. They think I look up to him and am just a more sadistic copycat, but in reality, he’s the reason I am stuck doing this. Because of him, I’m horribly disfigured and am cursed to be his lackey until he sees fit.

    It started when my friend and I tried to “fix” the corrupt politician that we called our mayor. It wasn’t too hard to change his heart, really. A single bullet changed his heart from being whole to having a hole. This, of course, is what attracted the Hangman’s attention to us. He hunted us until we had nowhere left to run. Since it was my plan to kill one of his targets, however, even death wasn’t an escape for me. Instead, I now hunt for him, working as his right hand man until he deems that I am ready for eternal rest.

    This next job better be my last.
  3. Prologue Part 3- The Demon

    So to start off with, I guess you could say that I don’t exactly have the best relations with the church. Long story short, they thought I was possessed by a demon, which I wasn’t, and so they performed an exorcism against my will. Well... more than one.

    After continuing to show no signs that my “demon” had left, the priest’s methods became more and more cruel. I was now living in a cell, being starved to death, and was branded with a cross on my left shoulder. I died in that cell, not sure of whether it was from starvation or infection from the cross that my skin now more.

    When I died, I heard a voice offer me the choice to continue living, but to do so I needed to become what they feared. I took it, not wanting to die just yet. Now, I am what they are afraid of alright. But I am also what will save them.