Food Fanatic

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChocolateThunder, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. The only thing non healthy is clearly the bacon. Ion't just eat unhealthy foods
  2. I dunno what's the point of arguing. We all have different food preferences and boiii we have the freedom to express ourselves (but can we do it in a polite manner). You don't just say "ewww" to entomophagous countries just because you think eating insects are disgusting. Or if you're a vegetarian, for you every meat product out there is unhealthy af and came from cruelty (plants grow too even if they don't have feelings). Respect differences tbh (I sound like my parents srry).

  3. Korean food we ordered yesterday
  4. This looks good o.o
    Also.... u know ur sleepy when u say 'korea has food?' XD
  5. Pho that I got with this guy on Saturday.?

  6. phok that looks good

  7. Hotpot in LA called the boiling point. This is spicy hot lamb and it was fucking bomb
  8. I love this thread please don't get it locked by derailing it..

    First warning
  9. ^^ be careful Jaco she might accidentally delete your thread instead of “quoting” your post.
  10. LMAO

  11. Sushi!!!! I actually was afraid of trying sushi because I thought it'd be disgusting then I tried this and I wondered why I was missing out on it my whole life.
  12. Waaao, they're my fave food. Glad you like it, too ♡
  13. Ms Perfect I have learnt quoting.. Thanks to u.. But U still look grumpy.. Move on please..!!
  14. i died lmaooooo
  15. Oh congrats how long that take you a few months ?? Cause you’ve been gone for quite some time ? you go mod training or something ??
  16. ... Listen the selfie thread constantly gets derailed and people constantly break many rules there, yet it is never threatened to become locked. So I humbly ask you moderators to just ban the derailers and let this thread grow
  17. WHEEZE