Oh yes, flour crowns, my specialty. Come on. Flower? Flour? I'm hilarious. Okay, maybe I'm not funny, but I DID make a crown out of literal flour and carved flowers out of bread so give me brownie points. Or... cookie points? (Refer to previous gif) Bad puns aren't silencable, right?
[ imgfit ] https://imgur.com/gallery/kAoFa So never really posted a picture here not sure how to do this but um I made the flower crown from roses stolen from my garden?
[quote="Meraki" [ imgfit]https://imgur.com/gallery/kAoFa.png[/imgfit] So never really posted a picture here not sure how to do this but um I made the flower crown from roses stolen from my garden?[/quote]
[quote="Meraki" So never really posted a picture here not sure how to do this but um I made the flower crown from roses stolen from my garden?[/quote]
So never really posted a picture here not sure how to do this but um I made the flower crown from roses stolen from my garden?
Thanks Jiggy for doing the photos for me since my phone can't handle uploading photos! I am sporting my shark onesie (Just for you Grant who should say hi to me lol) and my PIMD shirt as well as my makeup I did just for this photo. Hope y'all like them Did three from diff angles ? my flower crown is life tho