FLITHY PEASANTS *looks at in disgust

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LelouchViBritannia-rebellion, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. OP just likes to make spiteful threads, so people will reply and make him feel important, because he is chained to ignorance by his vanity, which in turn leads individuals in reality to repel away from his character. You feel the need to accuse others of being peasants, well I suggest you equip yourself with adequate skills of rebuttal before you make a such posts.
  2. Peasant, you know nothing ^
  3. I didn't know people still use the word peasant in the 21st century.
  4. "Don't speak unless you can fix your crap"

    Hypocrital attention seeker. 
  5. Because you chose to have it that way. You're a disgrace to people with real problems.
  6. A degenerate calling others peasants what a depressing world we reside in. OP can't even compere to me, who he himself dubbed a, and I quote, "Peasant". I highly suggest you take a seat.
  7. Lol op your a loser
  8. Sam I see you polishing your skills ?
  9. I like forums are changing for the better️
  10. IlIlIlIlllIIIIIIIIIIlll
  11. Pics say more than words ? its fun :lol:
  12. Tha FUCK is this shit?
  13. It's funny how a mod hasn't walked in yet lol
  14. correct me if im wrong but arent threads like this against roc? Clearly was made to get a negative reaction out of everyone. And the whole this game is for 18+ bullshit doesnt mean anything coming from you op because your first day in forums when you posted like 6 different dumb fucking threads, you told everyone your age and you still have a while to go before youre 18 honey, so dont go playing that card. Youre a little fucking kid who doesnt get the attention in rl so you do it on a forum to annoy the fuck outta everyone. Just reset already
  15. Damn look at that bypassing 