FLITHY PEASANTS *looks at in disgust

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LelouchViBritannia-rebellion, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. I bet ur from some psych ward that deals with attention seeking little ****holes
  2. Nope, and it's not your job, and no one here shall fill that job
  3. This seems interesting lol or maybe im just bored and too scared to go to sleep right now bc i just watch The Conjuring all by my lonesome and so im just sitting here reading threads lmao well anyways i will just keep reading these threads or maybe i should put in a happy movie what do yall think?
  4. I need help yall should i watch We're The Millers or 21& Over? Hmmmm decisions decisions.
  5. Black widow, don't let any Pedo bugs get ya
  6. Lol what are Pedo bugs? Actually im just a huge fan of Marvel. But the spiders are actually pretty cool too.
  7. Pedo bugs are what I call pedos
  8. Ohhhh lol im pretty causious with whom i talk to on pimd. No worries there ;)
  9. Wait..? What?
  10. Nothing boo, go to sleep and don't let the Pedo bugs bite
  11. I wonder when a mod will walk in lol
  12. XD nothing will really be silence able since it's all on topic
  13. I'm a FLITHY peasant.
  14. XD yes, yes you are, now bow down to me
  15. I am not a flithy peasant.
    If you're going to make a thread insulting people, at least spell your insult right 
  16. Whoops....I'm tired don't judge me!!! >.<
  17.  looks like someone needs a thesaurus..
  18. I don't need a theasuarus, I'm only tired
  19. crap here

    Oh look. I'm filthy.