Fistful of Candy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gojou, Oct 29, 2016.


  2. haha same!!!
  3. This drop rate makes me frustrated ! Now ATA only cares money be little generous!
  4. I'm still waiting for the day that ata gets fed up with all the constant complaining and actually goes and says "okay fine have all your freaking drops" and then suddenly they're super easy to obtain and then everyone goes and says "ata plz this hunt iz 2 eazy plz make a lil harder 4 challenge game iz 2 borin 4 me" LMAO Sadly it'll likely never happen but a girl can dream right?  it'd be hilarious and ironic.
  5. Finally seeing how greedy ata can be when it comes to money?Tbh the drops from the buckets are not worth the ecs spent lol.
  6. Please drop more fist full of Candies some people can't afford to use real money to buy them at the store .
  7. Wait, you all are just realizing the apes care about money over players? They're like weasels, distracted by anything shiny 
  8. Complain all you want, you still play everyday
  9. They ought to make all hunt items every hunt super rare drops, maybe people will give up on these dumb hunts and go back to utilizing other aspects of this game.
  10. No they won't there'll still be 100s of players participatin
  11. Same
  12. I havent gotten a drop from any parties. I had to get people to give me ecs. Ata isnt even trying to hide that fact that its pay to win anymore. They have gotten lazy af and its because they know people will still pay no matter what.
  13. This hunt SCREAMS future hunts will be "pay to play" hunts. At that point so many will quit that not enough players are left & y'all are gonna have to get 2nd jobs because the players aren't finding your checks anymore. Fire the guy that designed this hunt PLEASE!!