First gens~

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *_Renegade_ (01), Aug 31, 2011.

  1. 16th of January - Gen 2  -
  2. 31st Janurary---- 2nd Gen
  3. 2nd January - I'm 1st Gen. Aussie_Scout_Sniper you joined on the 11th April 2011.
  4. I joined December or November
  5. Game wasn't released in November
  6. Jan 14th for me. 
  7. no I didn't ray wow u have no idea
  8. if my award for active for 120 days I got that long ago so how can I have joined April 11?
  9. I'm pretty sure I'm first gen. Like 240-50 days?
  10. Early Feb 

    I'm such a noobert 
  11. >:3

    Busy ATM, Be back later

  12. First gen  aww yeah
  13. Who cares what generation you are it does not matter this is a game worrying about this could split up the community by users starting sectional groups.
  14. Hey zooooee It's Rex hi pixie hi Sophie We Are 1st GEN
  15. Aww yeah sophie 
  16. No no no,not clubs examples: west side,north side ect. Are all sectionalized groups. Pretty soon this could effect the whole game more cursing and arguing would be intact.
  17. Heeey Rex :3

    Don't worry, we won't call attention to the fact that were better than you.

    LOLJK. cuz I have like super bad stats.

    But seriously, it doesn't matter.
  18. Why wouldn't they,you must in your early teens you think like one.