First CD?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by peepeepoopoo, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. The one when they went to Rome?
  3. Some Justin Timberlake one back in 2007 Lmaoo
  4. Linkin park Meteora album
  5. First cd I bought with my money? It was 50 cent

  7. I can not remember....
  8. Time is Money. Spm. That was my favourite CD.
  9. Backstreet boys first album ?
  10. Altaaf raja tum to thehre pardesi
  11. Barbie Girls Revolution or something  it was like Kidz-bop but with only little girls.

    Hollaback girl was my ish. 
  12. Backstreet Boys - Backstreets Back album
  13. The block is hot
  14. Spice Girls!!!

    Spice up your life ?
  15. Britney spears, Bsb, Spice girls and Mariah Carey got them all for Christmas with my first cd player
  16. I used to have a record player with a bunch of albums but I was very young and I only remember having purple rain by prince because the record was purple.
  17. Love that song ^^