Fire in the Soul Drops

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Hey burning peeps,

    A quick note that for this event: Parties will stop dropping Plain Goggles at 11:30 AM PDT on Thursday, Sept 7. We will be giving everyone 500 Plain Goggles instead - please restart your app to see them. The Stories and Leaderboards will still end at noon PDT on Thursday, Sept 7. Please utilize the extra half hour to convert all remaining Plain Goggles into your Goggle of choice!
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Thanks Ata
  3. I'm confused. Did you mean to say 11:30 AM instead of 11:30 PM?
  4. Thank god Im not the only one who saw that.
  5. Thank god Im not the only one who say that
  6. I restarted a few times and didnt get my 500 goggles? 
  7. It's not the 7th
  8. i haven't gotten them yet either even w restarts
  9. I had to reread this post about 10 times just cause of the PM, a peer check may help when sending out important info
  10. I already got mine so 
  11. Everyone else seems to be getting them, my brother did.
  12. Me too
  13. Didn't get goggles
  14. Will probably come in two hours or something
  15. i got my goggles last night tho.
  16. Didn't receive any goggles either. Neither did my RS, and we've both refreshed our apps and turned devices off multiple times with no effect.
  17. I did not receive my 500 goggles.
  18. I also didn't receive!