Did ios get a update? Last time i seen a ios screenshot the numbers was in full. So that 4.3m would say 4,300,000
You’re right, I was just being dumb & sleep deprived 💀🤣🤣 Android says 4.35mcs, iOS would say 4,350,000 for profile stats There’s some other examples that I’d love to share coz I’m a nerd and idc that no one cares, but my Android is far away, so until next time
Ata has actually fallen off the wagon on this. If you go to your profile- items it shows avis first but once you get to the newer hunt avis the stat items are mixed in with them so it is no longer chronological of avis | stats.
That's less than half of what I am asking for, plus as someone has pointed out its not even chronological anymore. More than anything I don't want a workaround. I want a functional system.