find your bday twin

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_AvadaKedavra_-, Feb 18, 2018.

  1. hi twin
  2. September 14th
  5. I work in a senior's home, we have 20 residents and 3 of their birthdays are on March 29th
  6. April 21st, I'm forever alone it seems lol
  7. August 6th,27 pages and no twin.
  8. yay we have the same birthday
  9. Aww no one is 13 December 
  10. 6th of May ?
    Bday bday
    Taurus baby
  11. August 12th 
  12. Mine is tomorrow, March 1st 
  13. Bday twin!!
  14. August 1st!!
  15. March 17th
  16. March 7th come on twinny we got 6 Aussie days left