Finals of ZW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AlmightyRainbowUnicorn, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Leo's you are lucky I have both days off let's go #TeamLeo
  2. Skilllllllz im gonna milk dat assssss gah im drinking dont mind me
  3. Is name changing allowed?
  4. Name changes allowed just let me know on my wall
  5. Ok thanks Bullet
  6. Cali wants to milk my ass then drink all up ????
  7. In the proccess of remaking all three team lists
  8. Bullet, don't forget to wall participants for tmrrws war ????
  9.  #TeamCapricorn #GoCaps 
  10. Humpty Dumpty Had a Bumpty :eek:
  11. Bump bump smack smack
  12. Whats wrong skillz lol
  13. Prizes changed up, 1b dvp to top plunders of winning team