fight button needs to be removed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mars-Pi-, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Support! :D
  2. Support.
    Guys this is college
    We shouldn't be fighting
    Only partying it up ?
  3. No
  4. good point
  5. Did no one realize this was b8?
  6. I hope it's a joke lol?
  7. ^ok it's a joke :roll:
  8. 
  9. Oh tbh I feel like it's an awesome idea. Must be implemented as soon as possible ?
  10.  no cuz then I can't fight ur RS. Who is always a noob.
  11. No support that button is the easiest way to make someone mad you take that away and I have to go back to rp'ing in tc.
  12. No suppportahhh 'o'
  13. ATA pls remove Mars' profile pls ty
  14. Hey someone put this thread down like are these guys for real.
  15. We are as real as a unicorn bb
  16. Wait younicorns exist?!?!