People probably spent massive amounts of bento's to obtain last year's christmas "rare" furniture when they could have waited for this years christmas hunt and get it that way? idk tbh i dont open furni boxes or trade furniture but i can see why traders would be mad.
Support. Nice addition ATA . You have been bringing the community closer together by acknowledging additional holidays for many cultures. Happy to see this continue in the future.
2: Most furniture can be found in the Amazing Furniture Box, or special holiday themed boxes. For last year's Christmas furniture, we specifically did not include this in the Amazing Furniture Box because it doesn't make sense to get Christmas Furniture in, say, June! We've been trying to create special furniture boxes for big holidays, and it made sense to us to include last year's Christmas furniture in this box. I do get what you're saying though. Definitely wasn't our intention! 3: It's up to Clubs to decide what they prefer. The box is a little bonus, and maybe on some days you feel like it's not worth it because you'd rather do a different party. That's ok. Also keep in mind the party dropping them changes every day, so tomorrow's one might be dropping a different type of Shot. 4: The idea here was to do something special for the new Party to make it more fun, though I can understand where you're coming from. We won't make any changes to this now, but will definitely keep this in mind for a next time. 1, 5, and 6:
2 i understand, don't have a personal complaint with it, just can see a lot of people being upset about it lols fair @ 3, im sure y'all planned it to work out in terms of drops. personally i prefer doing one type of drop one day, another type another day, etc so it works out to combine evenly by the end of the hunt... but people tend to want their drops combined *RIGHT NOW* which makes it hard to run a club that way without people leaving to get other drops, which is the only reason i take issue with this box format @4 i totally get wanting something cute and new for a new party, but it feels redundant when cc fairies are ALWAYS the ones to get rewarded, so it seems a bit unnecessary to have an extra reward on top of that. or could you not have made a new non-ec party to test? if you needed it to be a currently available one to compare payout/mech in general, you could have used fa101 or somethin, yknow? i know a lot of people would've appreciated the gesture of acknowledgement at non-cc players (js for future, not this hunt obvs)
That's fair feedback! Will definitely keep your points in mind. In the meantime, hope you guys will still enjoy the 'Nog Box, which should give many a nice little boost in Stories.