LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Femme Fatale Raffle!πŸ’„

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. mood
    Lumi, 90sL0V3 and MrsShrek like this.
  2. Wait why did I only get 5 of the compact mirror other than the 10? πŸ‘€
  3. Wow I won but can't accept all the compacts only 5. Is this a joke?
    Julcyfruit likes this.
  4. I got 10 tickets…..?
  5. Thank you but I didn’t get 6 compacts only 5 & I won tier 3
  6. The max you can have on your account at a time is 5 of boxes so that's probably what happened when you accepted the rewards. Send in a ticket through help and they'll be able to help you out πŸ’–πŸ©΄πŸ©΄
    Ahsoka likes this.
  7. My first time winning a raffle and I got the tier 2 prizes πŸ˜©πŸ’œ
  8. I won 20 boxes but it will only let me accept five, so I don't dare to accept them yet πŸ˜… Goona see if it's fixed tomorrow.
    iMoan and Julcyfruit like this.
  9. Wait, so every participant is supposed to win 2 compact boxes?
    Like every ec participant or every cash participant too? πŸ˜…
    I bought ec tickets but haven’t gotten the participant boxes yet
  10. the moderator just said most you can have in inventory is 5
  11. I won the grand prize but only got 5 boxes instead of 20 πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»
  12. I was tier one but only got 5 boxes??πŸ₯Ή anyone else??
  13. I won thΓ© tier two prize with 10 compact boxes, but only 5 where given to me and the other 5 disappeared. Please fix this
  14. Yeah got 6 boxes but it only let me collect and open 5
  15. Grats everyone!
  16. Where were the winners announced?
  17. Tysm ata✨
  18. Theres a prize set for ec tickets and a different prize set for cash tickets
    Lite likes this.
  19. Same thing for me.
    K1tty likes this.
  20. They not. You will know what you got when they get to you to give you your stuff