Feeling cute, might do another ban wave today

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Strange, Sep 20, 2019.

  1. What's hits are you possibly revieveing with only 400 losses. And you're self pinned on your party. I'm not able to hit you 🤗😂
  2. I’m just gonna add you to my ignore list and then I won’t have to see you make a fool of yourself anymore. If I don’t get it that means you should explain it instead of being an ass but apparently you never learned that lesson.
  3. Good job bruddah
    Keep pimd clean
    🤙Hang loose🤙
  4. i'M gOnNa aDd YoU tO mY iGnOrE LiSt 😂😂

    Do people ever do things without announcing it 😂
    Sirrracha likes this.
  5. I actually separated those two statements into two sentences. :) The lack of comma is on Panta's part.
  6. I am curious as to how many leaderboard peeps got banned during this.
  7. Wouldn’t be surprised lmao.
  8. Probably all of them... except Jill. She's the only real vip
  9. Lmao that’s the real question.

    Keep up the good work @ATA 😂
  10. You guys don’t blow up Strange’s thread again
  11. [​IMG]
    Maddi_Matsu and GodTierOni like this.
  12. How can I become a PIMD BEA (BOT ENFORCING AGENCY) agent?
    Maddi_Matsu and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  13. I got back into runescape recently, and walking around, it's clear there's an epidemic of bots on the game.

    They exhibit certain behaviours like always visiting certain spots on the map.

    If you had a heat map of where they clicked, it would be very distinct and only have a small number of points/total clicks on it.

    Common behaviour I see on pimd from black market traders is advertising in pub saying they're selling Bentos for "easy ayment options"
    to "pm for details"

    If I see either of those 2 phrases, I know they're rwt. I think it takes some guts to go off of that sort of criteria because it could be other things, but it never is... So...