Fear Itself (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *SensualPie (01), Jan 25, 2012.

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  1. I don't wanna be homeless... -Sighs and slides down the tree, dropping into the garden-
  2. Dawn: You weren't homeless in the first place.
  3. Ben-sighs-

    Things arent working good between them
  4. Oh yeah... -Shifts into a leopard and trots up to her-
  5. Marisol: >.>

    Dawn: *Rubs her head*
  6. -climbs on her lap-
  7. Ben-sighs-

    Do you think we should help him?
  8. Ben-Dawn and Sam
  9. Momma? Can we start our relationship again? Without the drinking and running away
  10. Marisol: They'll be okay...

    Dawn: Mhmm....
  11. Please momma -Nuzzles her-
  12. Ben-i guess...

    -smiles sadly-

    Any pleasent dreams?
  13. Marisol: No, not really.

    Dawn: Sure.....
  14. Ben-Sad to hear tht...

    -holds her hand-
  15. -Starts looking for Godzilla Momma-
  16. Marisol: I never have good dreams.

    Dawn: *Hums*
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