Fav Person On PIMD ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed0611, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. I imagine how that's gonna go, can my name be invisible? No, I'm a ninja. So what, *Whips out sword*, okay your name can be invisible.
  2. Lmfao yes yoda exactlyit will b fun!!! I'll get them for you too. We can post n no one will know who it is
  3. Wohoo. Are you people scared yet? Yea we kinda took over this thread Lmao :)
  4. I'm surprised no one on here is named Zoolander.

    They'd probably be my favorite person.

  5. We rule supreme  here there everywhere but no one knows
  6. Yes we do!!! Try to find us and you get PWNED.
  7. We rule Pimd but silently
  8. Shh don't tell them.
  9. Silent like the can opener.
    It opens can slowly and without a fuss for people and they take it for granted!
  10. My fave person is so u lexii!! Lol 
  11. idk, between a heap of ppl, I'll list them
  12. Aziz you rule too
  13. My fave person it ToG-Epic_Popsicle
  14. my fave person is kofedregs  my besty

  15. -Ꭶpartan-
  16. And ᎠaᏴoop you're mine 
  17. Aww Spartan yay
  18. My favorite person has left