Due to rising demands for a update. I will try to finish what I have tomorrow when I return from school. No I will not try and postpone this time but actually finish.
Despite the shortness, you'll love the update that follows this *************** (Susan’s POV) After two days of uneventful investigation, the authorities could not explain the phenomena that was Bridget’s death. For another four days I was not even allowed into the dorm room, as they were doing “further investigation”. Bull crap. I know they thought that the killer may be after me as well, but afterward, realization kicked in and they were told that it was absurd that a killer could enter and leave without a single soul to notice that he left the room. But my main concern was that of Alex. Was he alright? Was he feeling well enough that he was discharged from the hospital? I couldn’t call since he had my phone number and I hadn’t acquired his. Maybe I could go to the hospital and check up on him. Yeah, I should. Quickly grabbing my phone and keys, I rushed out to the parking lot located behind the dormitory. My red mini cooper convertible beeped twice. As I approached, I could see what looked like a large figure in a black cloak. “Hello? Who are you?” I questioned. There was no reply. I asked again and reached for my door as the unknown figure rushed at me with a swift movement. In fear, I opened the door and tried to go in as fast as I could, but panic soon struck as I felt my feet leave the ground. I was tossed with monstrous strength and landed on my back. A loud crack filled my ears, followed by the sound of music similar to that of André Caplet’s "Conte Fantastique". So much terror filled my body as I crawled and crawled, trying to escape this beast. A deep voice bellowed out, “Susan, oh Susan. Why did you leave me?” I glanced over to the dark specter who was easily taller than 7 feet. His face slowly morphed to that of Bridget’s. “Susan why?!?! Why did you let me die Susan?!” Slowly, ever so slowly it drew near. This would definitely be my end. I’d die from the forces of the unknown. It was over... I was finished... Goodbye, world... He laid his large, skeletal hands upon my face... This was my end.
I'm so sorry guys my midterms started and I had no free time but I'll try to update as soon as possible.
I'll type up an update tomorrow. I've been depressed lately so if the update seems more dark and evil I'm sorry. Spoiler someone is dying.