
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_FluorescentEllis_x, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. No support. Battle button works both ways.
  2. Time to load the old alt bank :roll:
  3. Get off Maxine's case.Everybody has a different personality and reason why they play the game.There is nothing to state it is a fighting game on the discription. On the first impression of it it looks like a building and social game.Many just play it to meet new people and have fun in their club.There are no written rules to say everybody has to be involved with the war /pvp side of it. People interprete the game differently and if you only here to do events and collect the items there's nothing wrong with only being interested to do that either.
  4. Yet you trash players on kaw about the slightest things, Roni? ??
  5. The facts are that pvp is a core component of the app. It can't be stopped. If you're playing the game you will get farmed oneday. There's no way around it. The advice given to op is the only way to effectively deal with it. Op's immature reaction to such advice just show's that they have a lack of understanding to how other people play the game, how it was made to be played and believe that their opinion is the only one that matters which is why they were ridiculed.
  6. Yes i taunt lots to people who ran from osw .Who are traitors and switched alliances etc.But one thing i dont do is bully people .But then most are a voice in numbers but invisible and on mute when alone.

    ATA really needs to ban the farmers. I'm sick of em. Let me party in peace will you

    Y u take my monies¿ Y u no let me play¿

  8. Yes! I need to party so I can get high stat items and avis I can make a thread and cry about anytime someone expects me to use them!
  9. Of course!! Stat items are just there to look cute in the showcase. Avis to attract potential rp partners duhhhh
  10. I'd rp you so hard gurl
  11. Hit parties not people
  12. PREACH!
  13. Sorry new life, who dis?

  14. Sometimes parties get outta hand, and you just gotta hit someone
  15. No that is violence. Jesus asked to love thy neighbor
  16. Wow, we had something special :(
  17. "Had"

    *drops mic
  18. We talking about Kayne
  19. Sounds like a person who needs to be deported
  20. So many people getting plowed in this game. Cant we just all RP and get along.