Well write an update and I'll be happy to read it amd give you critique. Don't be mad, I'm pretty sure my old story is on page five or six and my NEW story is on page two. You just have to write updates to bump it, and advertise it
Yes i am with you and I like your story because you are one of the fews i've seen that write proper. But also I mean everyone is free to do what they want and write how they want. If it bothers you just dont read it. So i understand why some people would be mad for this opinion. Keep writing you're good.
Thank you Danny and thank you everyone else who likes it and hates it Ill try to think of more tips...
Yea usually if I see a bad story I stop reading it. I can see why some people don't like this, and I have no problems with opinions
Hey cool thread but just talking about spelling. Speaking as a dsylexic spelling is my arch nemisis, I'm lucky I have a great friend to proof my stuff. I don't think u should be to hard on the bad spellers, for me far more important is the hart the soul, rather then correct spelling. Id rather read something interesting with something to say spelt like crap then perfect spelling and grammar and a total snoozefest.
Okay I need to add my five cents here. It should be "try to write decentLY" not decent. Just trying to give constructive criticism.
I'm 14 hahaha I haven't learned every English writing rule known to man yet... I'm not hard on bad spellers either, I even spell differently and use the wrong words because of my accent. I waz tlking bout ppl who right lik dis... Doesn't that annoy you to no end? I was meaning text and IM language spelling
Lol sorta. Thts called n00bing. N00bing is when u write like that ALL the time. But it's ok to do it once in a while.
I agree I write with some slang in club chat. It's just annoying when people constantly write like that haha.
I totally agree, I wish PiMD would let us delete because one of my stories got published on accident and I couldn't edit it d=_=b;; I do love to write and make sure my grammar is correct.