"You have an older brother at this school?" asked Alan the next day at lunch. He stood up and placed a hand on the piano beside her. "Is he in the music department like you?" "No. He's in the regular department." "The regular? He doesn't specialize in anything? You come from a rich family right? Why don't your parents send him to a prestigious boys academy or something?" She felt herself flinch. Rich? Her? Did he think she was rich? Could that be the reason he was always hanging around her? "What's wrong?" he asked and he places his hand on her shoulder. "Don't touch me." He pulled his hand away and looked at her. She could see confusion spread across his face and she frowned. "You think I'm rich?" "Well... yeah... aren't you?" "So that's it then?" "What?" "Is that the only reason you come around here? Because you think I'm rich?! That's pretty low for someone like you... I honestly thought that you were annoying but for someone I was grateful that someone wanted to be my friend. However... that's not that case. I knew it was impossible for someone like me to be of interest to anyone." "Wait... that's not-" She sprung up from the piano bench and ran towards the door. Before she could open it, Alan slammed his hand against the door beside her. She closes her eyes and frowned. What was he thinking? "Let me pass..." she said quietly. "No..." he whispered. She could feel his breath tickle we ear and she bit her lip to ensure no squeak would come out accidentally. "Please let me pass," she repeated. "You don't understand. That was not my intent when I first saw you. I didn't become friends with you because you're rich. I wanted to be friends because I wanted to get to know you better as a person. You captivated me while performing and I realized that you seemed sort of... lonely. I thought that someone like you shouldn't have to feel that way so I decided to befriend you. I don't care if you're rich, if you're not I could care less. So please don't say such things because I do honestly want to be your friend." She blushed slightly and she turned around to look at him. His face had an expression she was not expecting. A gentle and kind expression that warmed her heart. "Do you believe me?" It took her a second but she smiled gently and nodded. "Yes... I do." "Good," he said and he grinned. "And to make one thing clear... my family is not rich. We're a normal family but I happened to get a scholarship to this school. I'm nothing special." "Haha I see. I'm sorry for saying something like that. But I don't believe you aren't anything special. I think you're fine the way you are." Fine the way I am? It was just like Gray said. She smiled wider at the freshman and whispered "thank you."
Katie has this really bad habit of starting really amazing stories, getting people hooked to them and then rarely updating them. Kidding waiting patiently for the next update