Fall into Winter {War}

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mandi270, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Everytime you talk to me I'm allowed to reply and have my say
  2. NOT when I'm telling you to leave. Enjoy your silence. Bye.
  3. I don't get silenced. 
  4. Oh. I take back my withdrawal.
  5. 1.6kcs and will be ug by then! I'll keep you guys informed!
  6. :? Thought that said am, not pm. Whoops. I should read more carefully.
  7. You're not 1.6kcs  fuckin stupid high stat noobs
  8. FreddyKrugerInAHockeyMask 2.1mcs
  9. 1.6mcs pick me I was in last one
  10. ?
  11. -CB-MrsZault
  12. 2.2mcs
  13. 1.6mcs, might upgrade again before it starts
  14. Sign me up please
  15. 3.4 mcs any side didnt read it just wanna war lol