Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. i have no money i need help with just 1 avatar
  2. These avis are no longer available
  3. what thread i cant see it
  4. No thread. These avatars were limited time. You can no longer get these avatars
  5. please help me with a new male avatar on my account
  6. You'll have to buy some other kind of shards. You could try collecting zodiac, Greek, or tarot, since they have activators available in the store indefinitely.
  7. Be active and keep hitting parties. You will get new male avatars for free every 2 weeks or so
  8. im asking you for help with a free one i cannot get to the store on my account and im broke so please gift me a male avatar please
  9. and plus i am active very active just can you please send me a male avatar please
  10. Avatars can not be traded and never will be. Like i said. Keep hitting parties and you will get new avatars regularly for free. All it costs is your time on the game. If you are blocked from the store it means you been doing some dodgey shit so aint no one gonna trade with you anyway
    __Eleena__ and LeeJarrett like this.
  11. I need 800 Wooden Deer Shards 😥
  12. They’re not available. Don’t try to collect these.
  13. Pls bring these back !!
  14. Bring these back please
    Lumi likes this.