Exciting news and stuff

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 23, 2014.

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  1. oh I am excited... ^-^ but...:'(
  2. :'( the class will start in the second week of mini hunt huhu how sad..
  3. Sweet!! 3long hunt yay
  4. How about for an.idea (not sure if.it's been said or done) have people submit avatar designs and use the ones you guys like as the new avatars.

    Cuz... well... ntbr but.. u guys arent that creative or original. Just sayin
  5. Concern , This NEW PARTY, does give better pay out than Cat cafe?
  6. Maybe the payout is bad for high kcs.... But same payout as cat cafe for low kcs.
  7. Btw, im looking foward at ur fourth news.
  8. >.> if thats the case good, I thought another Wild Payout . >.>
  9. Maybe im late or whatever but this exciting news is actually really exciting! Keep bein awesome pimd 
  10. will each week be hard like 3000 items a week
  11. ATA can you please bring back the holiday crush and holiday boyfriend avatar for purchase or an avatar with equivalenf or higher stats.
  12. Hey do you guys think that maybe for the last three/four days of a hunt you could double the drop? That and if a party is started before the hunt it over to let it drop if it finishes after the hunt is over? During the Easter egg hunt I just needed this last party but you guys didn't let it drop bcuz it finished literally 3 minutes after the hunt was over after trying so hard. That
  13. That and it'll get more people on and try harder to reach that goal.
    Please and thank you
    ~ Shay
  14. Nice one ata
  15. That's pretty good 
  16. So before anyone whines during the hunt about how drops should be increased and all that annoying stuff, pimd is telling you that hunt is going to be hard which= giving up some sleep. You are gonna actually have to try people! Please don't annoy others with your "increase drops blah blah blah" or your "I work so I can't do it blah blah blah". I will be working and attending school and if I don't complain, y'all shouldn't either ?. You want the rewards? WORK FOR THEM.
  17. @Zahida, i fully agree with you. but people are gonna complain, and if the whiners dont get what they want, the leave the game. and ATA wont risk losing people and money so they give the whiners what they want. it happens with every game
  18. @Pimd Is their max stats for the new promo party ?
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