Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Or Failed it 
  2. (─■°o°)─■Oh, im in top 5k
  3. Thanks ata for giving new avis with this derp moment. Because i have like 5,468 tickets and i was like okay. My things are being given to all but me. Lol. I can't wait to get mine. I'm waiting patiently.
  5. I never got my avis yet either....
  6. Thanks ata! ?
    Can't wait!
  7. I have 5654 prom tickets but I didn't get any Ava nor new items. please fix it
  8. Look at the avatars description 
    It is drake
  9. Good thing Pimd_Admin isn't me.
    This is my next post.
    It is important:

    [{Snailed It?}]
  10. Yes it's now recognized by pimd

    [{Snailed It?}]
  11. @ pimd will the new avatar have same stats as the previous top 3k award ones?
  12. I still haven't got my stuff and I was in top 3k ?
  13. I didnt get the updated rewards. Im in top 5k, so ill just get a prom crown which was given to top10k?
  14. It will have the same combined stats. Mmmk.
  15. New avatar for usssss

    (Should have 40/10 stats like holiday bf)?

    Jk I am happy with whatever
  16. [{I'm mad at you pimd…but I gotta admit, you…}]

    [{Snailed it!}]
  17. those who made top 10k get tier 3 prizes (reg avatars)
    Those who made top 5k get tier 4 prizes (premium avatars)
    Those who made top 3k get tier 4 prizes + an extra avatar
  18. Waiting patiently awaiting my rewards i havent received 
  19. I miss Pimd_Admin and his/her lack of production in forums 
  20. Pimd, I haven't recieved the top 5000 prizes yet. I'm wondering if ill get the premium avvies like the others who didn't make the cut as well?