Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Since they had a post recently talking about taking away old avatars and adding in a bunch of new ones and doing things like a weekly avatar I find it hard to believe that a new avatar is that expensive and time consuming for them to make especially when it's one we are basically designing. And the whole animal idea, people still draw them with a gender. A snail in a tuxedo is a male snail. Just like if they gave it eyelashes and a bow it would be a girl snail. And I don't imagine an animal without any defining features is going to win a design contest. As others have pointed out, we worked for a set of avi's as our reward for top 3,000 and now we are getting 1 instead. I'm totally understanding about the hiccup, I don't care that I had to wait hours for my rewards after most got them, I don't care that everyone got the premium avi's and now we get a community designed one instead, but I do agree that top 3,000 should get what we were told we would get, a SET of avatars with stats that are better than those that the top 5,000 got.
  4. I got 3073 tickets but no avatar receive yet
  5. The tiaraANDcrown thing below the "Collect items above to earn item below:" of the top 5000, I don't think I got it even though I have the 4 items needed.
    Also, based on my notifications and my Items List, I got the avas, but I can't seem to find it.

    I'm going to wait for another 24hrs for the avas, but what about the tiaraANDcrown thingy??
  6. Kinda disappointed that the players who didn't actually work for the premium Avis got them. Especially since I put effort into this hunt ?. But I guess I could look forward to the community designed avi. I just hope PIMD add a twist to it in order to compensate those who put a lot more effort into the hunt. Like maybe slightly more stats then the current premium avi?
  7. @akaBELLE I have the same problem as you about the avatar. Didnt get it until now
  8. Hey guys,

    The final 'unlock' items are still going to be distributed.
    So don't worry if you haven't got them yet.

    Thanks again for your patience everyone.

    We'll be kicking off the avatar design contest later today.
  9. Yeaahh, I've read until page 28 of this thread...
    Anyway, I guess I just need to waaaaaiiit. Thanks PIMD and I can't wait for the post about the contest.
    Though I agree with those top 3k collectors that they should get an ava for each gender since we, top 5k, got 2 extra avas than expected. It'll be unfair for them to get only 1. I know this will give you more work but since the players suggested it themselves, then you can just tell them to wait a little more if they're going to get 2 new avas.
    Thanks again, and goodluck.
  10. Is it just me or does the guy who's holding his finger up look like he's flipping someone off?
  11. Just you lol it isn't even the finger that people do use to flip someone off 
  12. micro hicup ?? lol yeah r u trying to lie to us or ur lieing in urself? all effort done for nothing thank you alot :roll:
  13. It's clearly a thumbs up :roll:
  14. I got a Avi I wasn't suppose to get :(
  15. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Give THE SPECIAL AVI FOR TOP 3k a better stat like 50% overall
  16. Have u gave out the combination prizes yet? got the avis and crown and all that didnt know if that was it or if there was more?
  17. Just hoping we dont get just 1 gender avater like last time but get 1 of both genders
  18. ATA, be fair to the players, you should give two ava to all players whose qualified in getting the prom ava, both male and female..