Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Thank you for the great hunt PIMD !
  2. ^ agreed. Please reward clubs for having active members. Any member that stayed in their club could more reach top 200.
  3. ? I'm mad I didn't go for top 200... I want the top 200 overall "best prom ever" item... Anyways great hunt super glad it's finally over!!!! 
  4. Pretty sweet prizes! Well done hunt ️ Really enjoyed it and it's prizes lol
  5. Love the premium avatars?
  6. I didnt get all 4 but yeah, it was a great hunt. Thanks ata. And oh, how about the level 5 achievement?
  7. Her crowns a little funky
  8. im in top 200 yay , give me whole stuff.
  9. So... We get Drake and Rihanna as our new Avatars... 
  10. Not like you didn't know how they looked before
  11. ■─(°o°■─) Gonna have to wait

    Rewards will be distributed within 48 hours, as per usual.
  12. Aka we will get ours at
    47:59:59 from now
  13. (─■°o°)─■yay, Pimd noticed me
  14. ATA this hunt was awesome!!!! The best hunt till now for me!!! ^-^ thanks for this amazing hunt!!! I hope next year also u will bring this kinda hunt!! ^-^ will be waiting for it lol...
  15. Please make 4th of July Hunt a really big thing like Christmas, as it'll be halfway through the year and we deserve a really big hunt like that one again 
  16. Hmm.. Drake n Rihanna?? Bleh
  17. Can we get the Ava's stats? Lol