Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Need Active Member Here In My Club And Admins

    i Hope U Can Read These Guys We Need Party Helpers And Active Admins And Active Members Were Are New Club And Unlocking Party So Can U Join Us Here @ Scouting Legions _ Attack On Titan Please come join us thats all thank u all guys
  2. Need Active Member Here In My Club And Admins

    i Hope U Can Read These Guys We Need Party Helpers And Active Admins And Active Members Were Are New Club And Unlocking Party So Can U Join Us Here @ Scouting Legions _ Attack On Titan Please come join us thats all thank u all guys
  3. PIMD, how on earth is it fair that the newly designed avatar that the true top 3000 will receive has the exact same stats as the premium avatars that 2000 extra people got by mistake? If I knew there was going to be a distribution mishap, I could've partied less and still won. The newly designed avatars should have higher stats than the premium ones, cause technically speaking, regular avatars and premium ones are for different rankings, and those whom got the premium without earning them, have the same same stats? #NoSupport! Make the new designed avatar with better stats or this hunt sucked majorly!
  4. Also, there should be 2 NEW avatars. It's not the communities fault that the distribution was distributed incorrectly. Why only settle on giving us 1 new gender? (Let's be honest, from the pizza hunt, mascots were hardly drawn). The too 3000 deserve a whole new SET (make and female) avatars.
  5. Also, 5,000 more people got a crown. Those stats are one if the best from this hunt. Toss in another gift for the true 5,000. What a disorganized hunt, fix the mess properly!
  6. A lot of you don't understand that it costs a lot of money and time to create avatars, I'd be grateful to get atleast one because ATA didn't have to do this again. That's it, you're a male? Vote hard for your avi, you're a female? Vote hard for your avi. It isn't ATA's fault as to who wins.
  7. It's also ATAs fault they messed up. It costs more money? Boohoo, lesson learned. You do the right thing and give the community what they truly won. Two new avatars.
  8.  Is this truly worth getting so worked up over? ATA is run by humans remember?

    Coding is difficult
    Getting things out quickly is difficult
    Designing avatars is difficult
    Hold contests is difficult
    Planning hunts
    Listening to the community
    Adding new features
    Improving old features


    The only thing that's not difficult? Sitting on your ass and complaining when hardworking people who have been doing nothing but trying their absolute hardest mess up a little.

    ? Gosh darn it. Nobody knew this was going to happen. But at least they explained what happened and are trying to rectify it.

    Be grateful.
    At least if not for anything else then for the fact that no one has "accidentally" reset your account. ?
  9. Anna is right✔️
  10. Why would you suck up to ata for their mistakes? Do you go around in real life getting ripped off of stuff too? You must, Anna. It's not about "getting worked up" over stuff for sitting on my ass and playing a game. Fair is fair. If ata still wants to maintain a proper business and clientele, they'd want to please the community and give back to them what was truly earned. If you make a mistake, you fix it, but you also fix it properly and fairly.
  11. It's not sucking up pickles. Even tho yes, Peeta has ATA's Fangirl for some time now, I seriously agree.

    ? ATA's been doing so much lately I feel like we should cut them some slack.

    That being said, I'm not saying that you're requests are unfair. I'm just saying that maybe this time we shouldn't be so angry. At least they've tried to make amends

    Knowing them anyway, they'll probably take your opinion into consideration and give you two new avatars. Pimd has been on the ball with responding to requests

    So we just try to be a bit kinder? A bit more patient? More suggestive and less demanding.
  12. I'm fine with one avatar. I just don't want it in the store so everyone can buy it. I said this last night also.
  13. Don't juggle more than you can handle at once... Is what ata should've realized. And I'm not the only one who's requested 2 more avatars, instead of one. But I suppose we will see what happens. And no one is demanding anything anymore, it's expected of ata to do the right thing (yes, so far addressed the concern and offer a new singular avi), but the fair thing to do is to provide 2. I'd even voice my opinion on this if I didn't win cause running a proper business is about loyalty and customer "demands" in order to "supply" and keep the flows flowing. Ka-Ching!
  14. Does anyone got the community designed ava?
  15. No, it is yet to be designed. PIMD hasn't even posted up the event for it yet.
  16. I'm the kind of person that when they get my order wrong at a restaurant if they're genuinely sorry and offer to make amends I'll probably keep the wrong the order anyway.

     I don't make a lot of fuss. Call me a pushover and say I probably get shitted on a lot in life. And that's probably true but that's how I am.

    Personalities differ. Let's agree to disagree.
  17. Pickles how are you getting ripped off? You were given everything you earned 
  18. Exactly. I was given everything I earned, and others were given things they weren't earned. Ata should stop hunts for a while and focus on bettering the wars instead.