Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. That's a really cute idea! 
  2. Hmm since its Prom themed, why not a mascot like a glass of wine or some sort?;)
  3. Please post details about the avatar contest soon :)
  4. o_O I collected less than 3000 Prom Tickets. Probably about 1600 and I received the Avatars
  5. Don't make long hunts it's too boring 
  6. How do you enter the contest and how do u post a picture here
  7. Idea for prom avatars... make prom queen and king of photo contest be the avatar. :p
  8. Still havnt recieved that tuxedo and red dress together and the crowns? Anyone else
  9. My tuxedos and dresses haven't stacked...?
  10. Design Contest :| Why don't you give both the male and female ava? Last time only girl ava. Boys dont need a new ava?
  11. The 5th item of top 5000 and 500 that u get for getting all 4 ?
  12. plz no more events fr few :?
  13. See everyone likes the idea of something everyone can use? not gender specific
  14. last time i missed by 75 booths to be in top 200
    this time i missed top 200 just by 8 limos :(
    Can ya do something pimd?
  15. I like the red riri avi more than the blue one
  16. when is the uniqeu community designed ava. Be give to the players?
  17. Plz give the top guy n girl from the contest...bcoz v had done the hunt n v should get both the ava's n not only 1 bcoz of ur glitch
  18. Agreed one male and female avi it's not our fault the glitch occurred but we do appreciate you rushing to make sure we get our items and I do thank you for that.
  19. But if you are only going to give one new avi make sure it's strength intel is high and then everybody will be happy️
  20. So there will be a contest for the new avatar of the top 3,000?? I wonder when will that be. (:)