Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. I don't really think it's pointless if they put it in the store temporarily. You got it for free, while others have to pay for it. So therefore you earned it, while they bought it. So not pointless in my opinion. 
  2. Not everyone are willing to spend EC on the avatars. So it's fair to put it in the stores for those who are willing to spend. Plus it's making ATA gain more money when those willing, are willing to buy EC.
  3. I'm entitled to my opinion and you to yours.
  4. ^ what Violator and Scorpio said. :)
  5. So ata messed up the rewards and then is just going to let everyone else have a chance at it. So much for being special.
  6. They wouldn't have put the two premium avis in store for those who didn't make top 3K. Why should this one be any different? ? all I'm saying.
  7. Take lemons and make lemonade. Why pass up a chance to make money hun. Js.
  8. So I do get that mistakes happen.... thats ok:) but please increase the stats on the new ava by 5%
    plus its only one so not all might agree with the gender that wins but ppl will use for stats. Winning 4- 6 avas with same 40% stats sorta kill the vibe for participating so hard on hunts
  9. Its not really chance. Its just allowing those who can afford to spend, get a go at having those community designed avatars as well. Its still a winwin situation. So its fair.
  10. 5% or more. Let those who didn't fully work for the prizes they receive envy those who did n work harder next hunt to het as well.
  11. ^ what Mills said. Why would ATA let go of another money making chance. Just pop it in store and watch the sales rocket up.
  12. It's not fair. ? it ruins the whole concept of trying on a hunt to just sell the avatar. But Pimd will do whatever they want so eh.
  13. Well it doesn't totally ruin the concept. People are now paying for what they didn't work for(in case the newly designed avatars). While those who worked hard for, get the new designed avatars FREE. :) js.
  14. why dnt instead of a gender specific Ava make one which everyone can use no matter if they are male or female
  15. @Tddraco I thought of an animal when you said that. xD well cuz both genders can use an animal.
  16. I like that idea! Start making a few that are creatures or something. Like a person dressed up that you can't tell if it is male or female.
  17. ^ community designer avatar. It's the one that's liked the most on Facebook.

    Why not design a mascot or animal or any other type of avatar you like that both male and female can use? If it's in the top 10 and it has the most likes, it'll become the new avatar! The community votes on the avatar, so there shouldn't be any complaints about which avatar wins. After all, we all have the chance to vote and to design our own avatar 
  18. Someone said something about a snail in a tux. Pimd liked it too. Lol. It was cute.