Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. @pimd  u ignore me and quote three others after me. My question was just as genuine as snailed it too Sad panda?
  2. I received everything BUT the unlockable items, I'm guessing that'll be distributed soon though. ATA is probably working hard to fix the system error though so ill wait patiently :)
  3. @pimd, why haven't I gotten my avatars, everyone has gotten theirs
  4. No reward... No avatars... Yet, you dont see me complaining. Read what they said on the update... Understand... Say ok.. And drop it. Simple. Got it or are you going to skip over this like the update? Bazinga...(i hate bbt... was saying bazinga before it became cool)
  5. I'm in the same boat. When. Geez its taking forever. I'm sorry. I'm just saying. Of course people who has it will be like be patient. But they got theirs 5 hours ago. The wait is dreadful.
  6. But patience will pay off.
  7. Hey @pimd_admin , will the avi in the contest be available in stores? I am so close to top 3k :(
  8. Y i couldnt get avatar im at level 4
  9. When ata says awards distribution within 48 hours, we could be patient for 48 hours at least. Ata got nothing against any particular player i am sure. Lets be patient till then.
  10. pimd please whats the least amount for top 5000 and 10,000?

    i will like to know and hope for a reward :sad:
  11. ^ Says it on the first page 

    Top 10k is 931 prom tickets.
    Top 5k is 3368 prom tickets.
  12. So you're in the top 10k 
  13. i didnt get my crown thrn! :sad:
  14. They're still sending the items out. I'm still waiting for mine also. Just have to be patient 
  16. I'm in top 3000 and I have no avatars. ?
    And no king crown and no blue tux. 
  17. Wen do we get them combined
  18. Seriously? ?
    Please be patient. Pimd has said that the rewards script is still running, and there are plenty of people in the same boat as you. Just be patient!
    And I'm assuming that the items will be combined for the final item after they're all handed out. So just be patient also please 
  19. Since the top 5000 are getting 2 avatars they should not be getting, the top 3000 should get 2 new ones instead of just 1 to keep it fair ?