Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. I don't care send that to me via 3rd party app and ill submit it for the design contest, I'll of course give you credit for drawing it 
  2. If I knew I only needed 2k tickets. I would had took a week off
  3. Whoever makes the winning avatar better be making a good male avatar
  4. Yay ! I love the sound of new avatar  will there be a contest  ?
  5. Can we have a Thor and superwoman avatars for top 3k?
  6. Ironman male avi 
  7. Will ata take back the prizes and avis that was wrongly given out? They should cause its unfair
  8. Ironman sucks ?Thor 
  9. Thor suck ironman️?
  10. Thor Thor Thor 
  11. Baby(iron)Spartan(man)FTW(^o^)┘
  12. Make new avatar strength based. Like holiday bf or zombie chick please
  13. Stop with ironman ?
  14.  I am so confused and still haven't received anything 
  15. Baby_SpartanFTW └(^o^)┘
  16. Thooorrrrrr️
  17. @ PIMD, When do the guys get the avatar for the gender gift off challenge?
  18. Where are the UNLOCK ITEMS when you got the 4 items in each week?