[EVENT] World Cup Fever

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Will all parties drop tickets?
  2. :roll: crazy mascots... which party dropping what... Plz wall me :lol:
  3. Flags for 50ec is ridiculous.
    Can we buy a Hypnocat that shows which country we support and would also stay on our showcase.
    Kinda like a limited edition hypnocat...or its too much work?
  4. I'm very confused...and I don't like being confused 
  5. And can LBH get ticket drops from parties?
  6. Higher stat get more chance? #lbhmodeon
  7. Confusing event
  8. Still confuzzled but ok
  9. Duuhh people complain a lot. These worth 50ecs flags are also for people who dont want to join the event. If you think they are too expensive. Dont buy them!
  10. If u read before u post u can see that by buying the tickets at 1ec per ticket u can win the 50ec flags if that team wins it's match (>_<)
  11. I'm more of a visual learner haha, would be cool if ata posted a video explaining how events work.
  12. Hahaha.. Hope that I have enough luck
  13. if you have questions about the hunt, wall me, it's actually pretty simple once you get your head around it.
  14. All these hunts and now this. Im starting to miss the old pimd admin who let us jus play the game and leave us be
  15. @Pimd did you guys turn off rewards for lbhers?
  16. Which party drop tickets ?
  17. I got 3 tickets off cc
  18. We pay way to much for thing in this game