[EVENT] World Cup Fever

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Mmmhmmm. :)
  2. 50ec is quite excessive
  3. If you don't feel like paying 50 ECs, just grab a single ticket for who you think will win and you could win it.
  4. @pimd... Max mascot for that 50ec one is 10? Or unlimited?
  5. Can we spam more than just 10? Just the stat bonus stop stacking? -.- must get Aussie Ava
  6. @pimd make a new thread about the 2 teams that are going to play to make it easy 
  8. Max 10 for all the mascots.

    @War-King, just think of it as a slow burn strategic gift off ;)
  9. Im not even a fan of any team -___-
    Any suggestions though? :lol:
  10. -.- can you rig it so Australia wins? 
  11. Thanks pimd for that response.

    Shutupandkissme. Go bet for brazil and netheland
  12. Only you can make that dream come true ;)
  13. Only time travel can make that come true Zach 
  14. Confusing Much
  15. Pimd, so inspirational. :)
  16. Thanks pimd!
    And anyone that wants Australia flags, please wall me  I'll gift everyone that walls. :p
  17. Lol Australia does not had a big population compared to some of those countries, ? pimd needs to rig it for Aussies to win

    Casper, how would time travel help in this lol?
  18.  why do some tickets show up in showcase but others don't ?
  20. To go back in time and help Australia win the World Cup  or are you talking the avatar comp?