[EVENT] World Cup Fever

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Australia almost there..
  2. Soooo, I can try and win a country mascot with predictions or ask someone to send me one for 50ec. Only one country gonna do that 

    As for the countries that didn't make it, we send gifts and you count the number of gifts sent???? Is that somewhere near?
  3. It is a bit confusing but I'm guessing there will be another post soon
  4. Something like that yes Casper lol
  5. That's the Australian rules stuff? If so, that ain't football. Football is played with the feet. It's all in the name ?
  6. That's the only way I could think it could work Zach lol
  7. Asian campus... Full of beggar... Me too
  8. Which party
  9. I dont find it confusing at all tbh

    Just buy as many tickets as you want for the team you think will win the next upcoming match. The more tickets you buy the higher chance your name will be drawn at the end, provided your team wins. Im assuming tickets build up over the course of the world cup?

  10. Yup. I'll move the gift off thing to a separate post, it's clearly confusing the heck out of everyone :p.
  11. AFL uses feet....lol
    Just admit AFL is the best sport in the world Casper ?
  12. Ooooh just noticed the mascots for 100m are 1k/1k. What's the limit we can have?
  13. So we're basically betting on who we think will win? 1ec per ticket/betting entry?
    And the more tickets we buy, the higher a chance we have to win the raffle. I think I get it. 
  14. @Pimd: If your team wins do those tickets carry over to the next game they play??
  15. 
  16. Omg! War king are you from Australia lol meee Tooo!!! <3
  17. Brazil 5. Netherland 5.