[EVENT] World Cup Fever

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Nope. Just that two party. Since they spent 3.5$ and 7$ for that party and that ticket cost 1ec each. So, logic is there. :(
  2. Should have read forums before buying all the tickets 
  3. Missed out on getting a brazil ticket damn :/ its not in the store anymore lol
  4. Does pizza pop even drop? I was at one where none dropped
  5. And what about tie games?
  6. ? you should make the tickets perm showcase items since we have to use ec to buy them! Make atleast 1 of each to be a perm item.
  7. There are no tie games here on out.
  8. When does the gifts stop?
  9. @pimd so brazil one what happens now ?
  10. Raffle winners have been announced here:
  11. So these tickets aren't perm showcase items?

    Just a waste of EC?
  12. From what I've seen the tickets from losing teams ARE still in peoples showcases.
  13. Anyone want to go 50ec flags 1:1? Pm me. I can do a couple of them. You send first cuz I already got scammed -_- only pm if you're serious ty
  14. So if the US loses do we just not have as good a chance of getting the flag since it's 50EC and not get the avi either since that competition is for the teams that didn't make it? I want US stuff but if we lose I won't be able to get anything ?
  15. ★ Netherlands
  16. Congrats to Netherlands on their win!

    We had two people win twice on this raffle!
    Here's the list of the winners for this match:
  17. Well there is that whole 4th of July thing coming up...... ;)
  18. Tickets stick around until the end of the event, because there will be a grand finale draw based on ALL tickets.