[EVENT] Wars 101

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Nov 4, 2014.

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  1. Why is it only one cat drop for the winning team??? And why do u have to use 2 DNA just to get the 2x cash???
  2. Fire 2.00 for 2x cash bonus is a pretty good deal, you should have dn for war anyway.
  3. @PIMD would you consider bringing in x2 pvp on a permanent basis? To encourage another type of gameplay? Because right now if your hitting players all the time it's extremely difficult to grow.
  4. What raven said...it's even less than $2 if you buy in bulk
  5. The 2x PvP isn't working yet. I just hit someone and got normal pay. When does it start or is there a glitch and it's not working properly?
  6. so i have to pay 50ec for 2x cash?
  7. Yay ?
  8. It's actually been 2x PVP since 11AM PST this morning, so if you are comparing to that, it is correct.
  9. When do war start for est?
  10. No Pimd, it's paying the same it always has. I'm making 86m-ish first hit on someone I hit regularly. That's what it always pays
  11. Agreed legwarmers
  12. Normal for me too
  13. no words needed
  14. No 2x PvP here. It's normal :/
  15. Here's a problem the dates that Dont help in war (hold hands dinner) people activate the hold hands and refuse to use the boost date in wars....which a 10m disadvantage is a lot so it would be nice if you could either A. Allow the other dates to be active the same time since it doesn't give any "advantage" or B. don't allow war sign ups to anyone with it active
  16. Nope. Pvp is not 2x
  17. We're looking into this now. Thanks for reporting.
  18. Nice start of change, finally. Ty. :lol:
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