Thanks ATA for another useless waste of time hunt, not a single avatar won whilst some people got 5, oh BTW thanks also for NOT giving answers to those who asked why such unfair drops
Thats why i wish we could trade them i got country boy and some skating dude! i am female all avatars i have ever gotten are female will never use boy avatars wish i could give them someone who didnt or someone who got another girl ava i eanted and they didnt want idk something
how am complaining dumb dumb im happy with the event?not a cry baby like some people???If you wanna talk crap to me post with and account big enough for me to hit?
UNIMPRESSED... Done hype pro at the expense of 20 DNS ... NOT ONE DROP FOR ANYONE ... I've done countless parties and paid for creds to do cat cafés ... Still no drop ... Why are ATA being so tight with drops ?!! Seems all ata are interested in is making more money out of us .. Enough already .
I played all this week and didn't get one avatar... This is an very unfair hunt. I'm not one to complain usually, but this very unfair. Total waste of my time.
?I guess people didnt get it??its not a sure thing you will get avatar??Stop acting like your two because someone else got a free drop and you didnt?