[EVENT PROMO] Featured avatars in Cat Cafe!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Aug 21, 2014.

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  1. I've been hitting parties like 20+ each and didn't get an avatar. I hit 9 times last night, got an avatar :shock: someone in the same party hit 8 times and got one as well. Its crap but if you really want a chance at an avatar drop you will have to sacrifice the plunder in cat cafe :?
  2. Why are drops so pathetic. Look at my b2b cc . we are lucky to get 1 drop every 4th party this is verry sad ata I think a lot ov people are not gonna buy ec as look at how many dissapointed people there are . have a think about replys in people that are buying ec . cheers :)
  3. I've won three?
  4. ^ I think you're all trying too hard
  5. @pimd could you make the avatars giftable.. just for a limited time, just so we can get rid of the avis we dont want and give them to other pimd players who will be greatful for them...
  6. i want the Hockey Girl BACK! T_T
  7. I never get anything from ata...it's unfair and I've hit every party, then I see people barely hitting and getting all the Avis...you said 5x better chance yet we barely get any...wth people
  8. I won three also o_o I only got girl ones and I barely hit party bec I went to sleep when I got those
  9. ?I havent won any and im still happy?Happy seeing so many people get new avatars??I love seeing lil newbies with fresh avatars?Hunts mostly aim at bigger stats geting everything easy?so im happy the lil guys coming up geting all the avatars this event??
  10. Getting real sick of these money hungry ATA hunts. Driving me closer to deleting this game. The hunts are not fun anymore.
  11. ?Time for you to put the game down Firefly lol??Your really crying because you didnt get a avatar drop???Drops rare not a sure thing?People need to stop acting like lil babies?Grown people dont cry over avatar drops lol?Thats some little kiddie you know what??
  12. Hey ivy I can complain if I want, so f off. I am sick off hunts in general. I don't want avatrs they look horrible. So get your facts right. Ivy
  13. Shut up firefly you idiot
  14. ?Then why you mad???Because you want one??I think the avatars look awsome??
  15. Takes one to know somo
  16. Takes one to know one somo
  17. I am mad with way game has went downhill in general. Use to be fun.
  18. then leave, or make a suggestion on how to make it better dont just sit there and whine
  19. Why don't u stop whining me loser
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