No hits at all. Only hits from friends and family. Your name isn't part. :geek: :roll: i will suggest copying this ⇨ -phs-bread⇦ Make sure its my profile. Wear lens if you need it.
I will gladly announce … should you hit me. But for now… sorry i bet you end up on a wrong profile :lol:
Should you hit me i will announce it for the world to see. So goodluck and hope you find my profile correctly. :lol: I will end here :lol:
Can you ⇧ stop lying? omg !! Why should i say what is not true? i said hit me and i will confirm it. Stop lying!
Ata why you give ava to player that rarely hit party? Im work hard, not sleep just becouse to get new ava. But still not get. Is this your game? Giving the ava to people that not always online? Rather to people who work hard?
Omg who is the one lying here? a dreamer you claims to be in someones newsfeed which isn't true or who??
Wha what what?? That thing ⇧ is not in my newsfeed #confused state here# Anyway i am out so i will suggest … get on my profile to to hit. Make sure its mine because you all seem to be hitting someone else :lol: